PPF Retreat 2023 Detailed Program

Overview of Schedule & Detailed Descriptions of Sessions and Introduction of Speakers for PPF Retreat 2023


Session 1: Keynote — 9:15 – 10AM Auditorium

Dr. Michael Klaper: Disease Reversal with Plant-Based Nutrition: Show Me the Science!

Dr. Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally recognized teacher, and sought-after-speaker on diet and health. Dr. Klaper teaches that “health comes from healthy living.” He has been featured on two PBS television programs and multiple documentaries. His Moving Medicine Forward Initiative educates medical students on using plant-predominant nutrition and positive lifestyle changes to truly heal their patients. To learn more, visit www. DoctorKlaper.com/Moving-Medicine-Forward. In this session he will review the preponderance of scientific evidence which shows the power of plant-predominant nutrition to not just manage but reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and others. 


Session 2: 10:10 – 11AM Choose from the 3 options below

A. 2 Twenty Minute TED Style Talks on Mental and Emotional Health

  1. Dr. Devika Srivastava: Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Auditorium   

Dr. Srivastava is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Houston and nation-wide. She received advanced training at Columbia University and Fordham University. She has held appointments at Harris Health, Baylor College of Medicine and has published numerous publications on mental health. In her session, Dr. Srivastava will discuss common topics that cause stress, burn-out and somatic symptoms and how to cope in a better way to promote well-being and sustainability.

       2. Danielle A. Vann: Self Care Auditorium                

Ms. Vann is an Author, Life Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and Host of the podcast, The Get Your Life Together, Girl. Ms. Vann was recently featured on PBS’s International Documentary RoadTrip Nation, where she taught mindfulness and meditation to four young adults seeking to find their path in life. Self-care has become a buzzworthy trend that has morphed into indulgence. As this becomes a more prominent element in our daily lives, it distracts us from getting to the root of what self-care actually is and why it’s imperative. With stressful busy lifestyles, anxiety, and inadequate coping skills, we have moved away from health. In her Session, Ms. Vann will discuss what self-care is, provide grounded somatic and daily methods to increase the care of the self, and teach you tools to check in and monitor and thereby mindfully take care of your mind, body and emotions.               

B. Alese Jones: Beginner Friendly Yoga — Room CD 10:10-11:00

Ms. Jones received her teacher training in 1982 from Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga certification. She has advanced training in Yin and is also certified in Ashtanga, Primary Series. Her teaching’s are grounded in over 25 years of asana practice and 10 years in meditation. In this session, Ms. Jones will offer beginner friendly practices that cultivate joy, wonder, expansiveness and the boundless nature of the heart.

C. Karoline Mueller and Leah Stolar: Plant-based Cooking DemoRoom EF 10:10-11:00

Food for Life Instructors Karoline Mueller and Leah Stolar will showcase delicious yet easy to prepare plant-based recipes that are loaded with nutrients. Ms. Stolar, a retired attorney and founder of the first Houston area PlantPure Pod and Dr. Mueller, a chemist and current leader of that same Pod, connected with each other through passion about spreading the health benefits of plant-based lifestyle. 


Session 3: 11:10 – 12:00 PM Choose from the 3 options below

A.  2 Twenty Minute TED Style Talks on Women’s Health 

  1. Dr. Rajasree Nambron, MD: Empowering Women in Midlife through Lifestyle Medicine Auditorium

Dr. Nambron is board certified physician in Endocrinology and Internal Medicine and currently works with UT Physicians where she focuses on Diabetes, Metabolism and Women’s health. She will discuss how Lifestyle Medicine can empower women in midlife to take control of their hormones and their health.  

2.  Melissa Furman, NBC-HWC: Empowering Women in Midlife through Lifestyle Medicine: A Woman’s Full Circle Strategy for Long-Term Health Auditorium 

Many women struggle with weight gain and health symptoms they never thought they would face, trying popular diets and rigorous exercising that don’t last. National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, and founder of the Second Youth Wellness Method, Melissa Furman will lay out simple solutions for long-term well-being that are rooted in nourishing the body, and often overlooked positive behavior change tactics that empower women of all ages. Hear take-home strategies that you can start today on your road to wellness. 

B.  Jordan Dunn-Ridgill: Intermediate Hatha YogaRoom CD 11:10-12:00

Jordan is a certified yoga teacher, RYT 500 with training in Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga.  He will lead an energizing routine with one movement flowing into the next linked by the power of our breath.  Jordan is a yogi, plant-based chef and hosts Yoga Artz and Brunch monthly at the Rise rooftop.

C.  2 20 Minute Social Justice Sessions

  1. Sherra Aguirre: Food Deserts and Food Insecurity — Rm EF

Ms. Aguirre is the author of Joyful, Delicious, Vegan: Life Without Heart Disease, and winner of 2020 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. She is an entrepreneur, health enthusiast, environmentalist and a food justice advocate. In this session, she will discuss the challenges that minority communities in Houston face when working towards improving their diet and lifestyle.

     2. Janice Brown: Urban Gardening — Rm EF

Ms. Brown is the owner of On the Grow, a garden education service in the Houston area. She is a certified Master naturalist and Master gardener and as a garden educator, she has taught thousands of students on community and home gardening. In this session, Ms. Brown will discuss the role of community gardens in addressing Food deserts and Food insecurity.


Session 4: 12:10-12:40PM Choose from the 3 options below 

A. Dr. David Adame: Good Health Starts in the Mouth, and it has a lot to say! Auditorium

Dr. Adame is a board-certified Orthodontist. Eight years ago, he took the advice of a physician that changed the course of his health. He will present interesting facts about teeth, saliva and oral flora and how our oral microbiome influences our overall health.

B. Kalyan Darshan: Kundalini Yoga — Room CD

Kalyan Darshan is a certified Kundalini instructor who has been teaching yoga in the Houston area for over a dozen years. In this session, Kalyan Darsha invites you to expand your practice and activate your potential with Kundalini Yoga fundamental techniques.  Experience a Kundalini Yoga Kriya including asanas, pranayama, mantra, drishti, meditation and mudras, unique to this highly effective practice. 

C. Susan Marsh and Lisa Arnold: Venturing into Veggies: Tips and Tricks to Get You On Your Way — Rm EF

Susan Marsh is the co-leader of Harmony N Houston Pod and also a leader of the pod umbrella organization Plant Pure Houston. Lisa Arnold is the leader of the pod PlantEd in Fort Bend. In this session, the two ladies will share their immense knowledge on how to eat more plants healthfully, creatively, deliciously and prepare them quickly.


Session 5: Choose from the 3 options below – Please, NOTE the variability of timings for the different sessions offered in this Session.

A. 2 Thirty Minute Talks on Nutrition

1.  Dr. Pritesh Mutha: Whole Foods Plant-based Diet as the cornerstone for a Healthy Gut – Auditorium 1:30-2pm

Dr. Mutha is a board certified physician in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology with advanced training in Interventional Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. He is an associate professor at UT Health Houston and has published several peer-reviewed publications in top medical journals. In this session, Dr. Mutha will discuss the role of plants in a healthier gut microbiome and how that translates to better gut health and better overall health.

2. Dr. Suzanne Bruce: Role of WFPB Diet in treating Common and Uncommon Skin Diseases – Auditorium 2:10-2:40

Dr. Suzanne Bruce is a board certified dermatologist and founder and President of Suzanne Bruce and Associates. She has received numerous honors, including being named a Super Doctor by Texas Monthly for 17 consecutive years. She is a sought after speaker who educates her audience on the role of plant-based nutrition in skin health and in managing and treating several common and uncommon skin diseases.

B:  2 17 minute Wellness Sessions:

  1. Katie Van Hooser: Pranayama – From Breathing to Balance Room CD 1:30-1:47PM

Katie Van Hooser is a certified yoga teacher, RYT 500 and on the advisory council for Peaceful Planet. She has taught yoga, mindfulness and breathwork to adults and children and currently teaches the 5M program to students at HISD. In this session she will show you how to use various breath techniques to calm the body and mind as well as regulate intense emotions and the body’s nervous system. She will take you through simple breathing exercises which promote balance and wellness.

  1. Waverly Evans: Mindfulness Meditation Room CD 1:50-2:07PM

Waverly Evans has studied yoga for 47 years and has been a meditation teacher and yoga teacher for 17 years. She is also a certified massage therapist. She will guide a session which will begin with mindful awareness of our breath and body, easing into deep relaxation. Then, she will concentrate on appreciation and gratitude to gently bring the practice to a close.

C.  Monica Multani, Simran Pahuja, Hira Lotlikar: Plant-Based Cooking Demo Room EF 1:30-2:30PM

 Health enthusiasts and culinary experts, Monia, Simran and Hira will feature delectable plant-based dishes from India. Learn the secrets that will allow you to make healthy and delicious meals without spending all day in the kitchen.


Session 6: Closing Remarks