Retreat Program 2025

Preliminary Retreat Program

8:05 – 8:45 AM Registration in the foyer: Breakfast, Tea & Snacks, available for purchase

9 – 9:15 AM Main auditorium: Welcome and Introduction – Jenna Birchfield

9:15 -10:05 AM First Session: Keynote. Food Addiction: What is Actually Taking Place and How to Get Out of it – Adam Sud

10:15 -11:05 AM Second Session: 3 Options. Please, attend the option on your personalized schedule

A. Auditorium: Optimal Health Through Integrative Medicine – Dr. Baxter Montgomery.                                                                                                                      B. Room CD:  Hatha Yoga (limit 30 participants) – Meagan Terry                                                                                                                                                          C. Room EF: Plant-based 101 (limit 45 participants) – Susan, Leah

11:15 AM -12:10 PM Third Session: 3 Options. Please, attend the option on your personalized schedule

Note Session A1: 11:15 -11:40 am and Session A2 11:45 -12:10 pm                                                                                                                                                        A1. Auditorium: Regulating the nervous system & Vagus Nerve– Danielle Vann                                                                                                                                    A2. Auditorium:  Healthy Sleep and Well-being – Dr. Elaine Hess.                                                                                                                                                        B. Rm CD: Pilates, Art of Mindful Stretching and Sculpting (limit 30 participants) – Sharon Warwas                                                                                                      C. Room EF: Plant-based Cooking Demo – Sangeeta, Aslinda, Lilia (limit 45 participants)

12:10 -12:50 PM Foyer – Plant Based Lunch

12:50 -1:40 PM Fourth Session: 3 Options. Please, attend the option on your personalized schedule                                                                                              Note Session B1: 12:50 – 1:10 pm and Session B2 1:20 – 1:40 pm                                                                                                                                                        A. Auditorium: Plant-based Diet & Auto-Immune Diseases – Dr. Brooke Goldner                                                                                                                              B1. Room CD: Pranayama (limit 45 participants) – Katie Van Hooser                                                                                                                                                    B2: Room EF: Mindfulness Meditation (limit 45 participants) – Senly Fox                                                                                                                                              C. Room EF: Tai Chi (limit 30 participants) – Autumn Hayes

1:50 -3:00 PM Fifth Session: 3 Options. Please, attend the option on your personalized schedule                                                                                                    Note: Session A1 & B1: 1:50-2:20 pm and Session A2 & B2: 2:30-3:00 pm                                                                                                                                          A1. Auditorium: 1. Longevity: Exploring the Quest for an Extended Lifespan – Dr. Rizwan Bukhari                                                                                                      A2. Auditorium: Eat Power: How to Promote Healthy Skin – Dr. Rajani Katta                                                                                                                                        B1. Room CD: 1. LM in underserved populations (limit 45 participants) – Sherra Aguirre and Dola Young                                                                                            B2. Room CD: Creating Sustainable Urban Vegetable & Herb Gardens (limit 45 participants) – Kim Perry                                                                                            C. Room EF: Cooking Demo and Presentation (limit 45 participants). Katherine Lawrence

3:10 – 4:00 PM Sixth Session:                                                                                                                                                                                                        A1. Auditorium:  Lifestyle Medicine – Dr. Bandana Chawla                                                                                                                                                                A2. Auditorium: Implementing Lifestyle Medicine – Dr. Munish Chawla


Session 1:  9:15 – 10:05 AM – Keynote: Auditorium                                                

Adam Sud: Food Addiction: What is Actually Taking Place and How to Get Out of it

Adam Sud is a behavioral wellness & nutrition expert, international speaker, and the founder and CEO of Plant Based for Positive Change, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing research and understanding of how nutrition impacts mental health and addiction. He has studied the use of nutrition in disease reversal under the mentorships of leading plant-based physicians and has worked in mental health and behavioral health treatment centers using plant-based nutrition as a tool for strengthening recovery and relapse prevention.

More details on this session, coming soon.

Session 2: 10:15 – 11:05 AM – Choose from the 3 options below

A. AuditoriumDr. Baxter Montgomery: Optimal Health Through Integrative Medicine

Dr. Montgomery is a board certified cardiologist with years of experience in the latest medical practices and nutritional health. He is a clinical assistant professor at UT Houston, a fellow of American College of Cardiology, and founder and medical director of Montgomery Heart and Wellness Health Center. Dr. Montgomery introduces patients to a novel food prescription plan that helps reverse chronic conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and others.

More details on this session coming soon

B. Room CDMegan Terry: Hatha Yoga

Meagan is a certified yoga teacher, RYT 200, trained in the Sivananda tradition. She is also an expert on Pranayama, the ancient yogic technique of regulating your breath.

In this session, Meagan will guide you through a Hatha Yoga class that will bring energy and balance and always leave you more limber and relaxed.

C. Room EF–Susan Marsh and Leah Stolar: Plant-based 101

Susan Marsh is the co-leader of Harmony N Houston Pod and also a leader of the pod umbrella organization Plant Pure Houston. She is excited to share her knowledge in helping others thrive on a plant-based diet. Leah Stolar is a retired attorney and founder of the first Houston area PlantPure Pod, a Food for Life Instructor, and a passionate advocate for Whole Foods Plant-based lifestyle.

In this session, you will learn: How to get started? How to eat healthier versions of the foods you already love? How not to sweat the small stuff. Join our conversation about how to make it work. 

Session 3: 11:15 – 12:10 PM – Choose from the 3 options below

A. Auditorium: 2 25 Minute TED Style Talks on Emotional Wellness 

  1. Elaine Hess: Sleep and Emotional Health 11:15-11:40AM

Dr. Elaine Hess is a licensed psychologist practicing in Houston. She works primarily with adults and late adolescents to provide effective, short-term treatment and evaluation for people facing sleep difficulties and severe or chronic medical conditions (e.g., stroke, cancer, chronic pain, injury, weight loss surgery). Dr. Hess has experience providing integrated behavioral health services within primary care, oncology, geriatrics and gastroenterology. 

In this session, Dr. Hess will explore the impact of healthy sleep on our overall health and well-being. She will discuss the science linking sufficient sleep with improved cognitive function, emotional regulation, immune system functioning, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Dr. Hess will provide practical strategies and lifestyle changes that can help you achieve restful and restorative sleep.

  1. Danielle Vann: Regulating your nervous system and the Vagus Nerve 11:45-12:10PM

Ms. Vann is an Author, Life Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and Host of the podcast, The Get Your Life Together, Girl. Ms. Vann was recently featured on PBS’s International Documentary RoadTrip Nation, where she taught mindfulness and meditation to four young adults seeking to find their path in life. 

In this session, Danielle will show us the effects of a dysregulated nervous system on our physical, mental and emotional health and then share strategies on how to get back on track. She will share experiential tools such as breathing exercises to empower the attendees.

B. Rm CD–Sharon Warwas: Pilates, Art of Mindful Stretching and Sculpting (limit 30 participants)  

Sharon received her Peak Pilates certification in 2005 and has been teaching mat and reformer group classes and personalized one-on-one sessions. She has taught Pilates with the Houston Ballet Academy and at U of H and works closely with a chiropractor to address her client’s needs. She actively addresses lordosis, scoliosis, and variety of other conditions in helping the individuals overcome injuries and regain health. 

In this session Sharon will guide you through a movement system that enhances flexibility, posture, strength, and mind/body awareness while focusing on the body’s core and utilizing the breath. Pilates meets the body, any body, where it is. There is no prerequisite, just an invited presence of body and breath.

C. Room EF–Sangeeta Wahi, Aslinda Schofield, Lilia Atkinson: Plant-Based Foods for Your Family

Sangeeta Wahi is a retired CPA, co-founder of the Plant-Based Woodlands Pod, and a Food for Life Instructor. She is passionate about helping others adopt this way of eating. Aslinda is a passionate advocate for plant-based lifestyle. Deeply motivated by improving health, disease prevention, environmental impacts, and animal welfare, she became a Food for Life Instructor in 2024 to help others on their journey through conscious lifestyle choices. Lilia is a food for life instructor with passion for cooking, mindful eating, promoting nutrition for health prevention and animal welfare. Lilia loves to share what she learns to help and motivate others to make nourishing choices that support both personal well-being and a healthier planet.

In their Cooking demo, this trio will feature …

Session 4: 12:50-1:40 PM – Choose from the 3 options below 

A. AuditoriumDr. Brooke Goldner: Reversing autoimmune diseases (or any diseases) & optimizing immunity with supermarket foods

Dr. Goldner is a board certified medical doctor and the author of multiple bestselling books, including Goodbye Lupus, Goodbye Autoimmune Disease, and her recently released recipe book, Goodbye Lupus, Hello Delicious.  She has been featured in People Magazine, multiple documentaries like Disease Reversal Hope, and Eating You Alive, and television shows like the Hallmark Home & Family Show. Internationally-recognized Expert in healing chronic disease with Plant-Based Nutrition, she has dedicated her life to educating the public and other physicians. 

In this session, Dr. Goldner will share how foods you buy at the supermarket can optimize cellular function, repair, and immunity, thereby allowing reversing autoimmune diseases and many other chronic diseases.

B. Room CD: 2 20 Minute Wellness Sessions –

  1. Pranayama – Katie Van Hooser 12:50-1:10PM 

Katie is a certified yoga teacher, RYT 500 and on the advisory council for Peaceful Planet. She has taught yoga, mindfulness and breathwork to adults and children and currently teaches the 5M program to students at HISD. 

In this session, Ms. Van Hooser will guide you through various breath techniques to calm the mind, build the immune system and support your daily life.

2. Mindfulness Meditation – Senly Fox 1:20-1:40PM

Senly Fox  is the owner and publisher of Stroll Tanglewood. She served on the Board of Pinkdoor nonprofit in 2016 and 2017. She is on the advisory council of Peaceful Planet Foundation and volunteers with the Puranik Foundation. She is also a certified yoga teacher.

In this session, Senly will guide you into a beginner friendly mindfulness meditation session. 

C. Rm EF: Tai Chi — Autumn Hayes

Autumn Hayes is a poet, educator, and a certified Tai Chi instructor. She specializes in using tai chi for improved emotional and spiritual health.

In this session, you will learn principles of tai chi that can apply to every aspect of your life, along with grounding, visualization, stretching, and movement techniques that will release stagnation, build energy and nourish your total being.

Session 5: 1:50-3:00 – Choose from the 3 options below

A. Auditorium: 2 30 Minute Lectures on Nutrition and Health  

  1. Dr. Rizwan Bukhari–Longevity: Exploring the Quest for an Extended Lifespan 1:50-2:20PM

Dr. Bukhari is a board-certified physician in Vascular Surgery. He promotes using food as medicine to prevent, halt, and at times reverse disease with his patients and also on his segment on Healthy Lifestyle Solutions titled DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE, where he educates listeners on the risk factors associated with chronic diseases. He makes lifestyle recommendations using the six pillars of lifestyle medicine. 

This presentation offers an overview of the science and strategies behind longevity, translating complex research into actionable insights. It begins with an exploration of the biology of aging and highlights the role of lifestyle choices, including caloric restriction, plant-based diets, and regular exercise, is emphasized for promoting health and delaying aging.

  1. Dr. Rajani Katta–Eat Power: How to Promote Healthy Skin 2:30-3:00PM

Dr. Rajani Katta is a dermatologist and the author of over 100 medical journal publications and 9 books, including Glow: The Dermatologist’s Guide to a Whole Foods Younger Skin diet. She serves on the clinical faculty of the University of Texas Houston and the Baylor College of Medicine. She has been quoted in many media outlets including The New York Times, Today, Oprah magazine, and others, as well as during multiple TV appearances. 

In this session, Dr. Katta explains: For the healthiest skin, it’s important to treat your skin right, inside and out. Learn how the right foods can protect your skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation, oxidation, and inflammation.

B. Room CD: 2 30 minute Urban Wellness Talks

1. LM in underserved populations – Sherra Aguirre and Dola Young 1:50-2:20PM

Sherra Aguirre is a published author, a former CEO, community organizer, whole food plant-based adovcate who is passionate about empowering others to maintain vibrancy and good health throughout their lifetimes by changing how we eat. Dola Young is an activist, leader and a health coach who leads by example on how to eat healthy. She spends her time volunteering at Shape Community Center and Peaceful Planet Foundation where she also serves on the Advisory Council

In this session,

2. Creating Sustainable Urban Vegetable & Herb Gardens – Kim Perry 2:30-3:00PM

Kim Perry, a passionate urban vegetable and herb gardener was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She currently serves as the Director of Education with Urban Harvest where she oversees the Community Garden Program, and Classes. Kim has served and continues to serve on several boards including the American Community Garden Association.

In this session, learn how to build, maintain and get the most from your herb and vegetable garden. Determining the best variety, when to plant, soil requirements and your personal “why” is key to a successful garden.

C. Room EF: Katherine Lawrence–Kitchen Rx: Cooking to Prevent Cancer 1:50-3:00PM

Katherine Lawrence is a Stanford-trained Nutritionist and board-certified Autism Specialist with a passion for transforming lives through nutrition. She is a food for life instructor and founder of the Food Saved Me Institute which offers nutrition classes, instructor certification and physician partnerships. Don’t miss her TED Talk, “Are Common Foods Worsening your Child’s Neurodivergent Symptoms?”

Transform your kitchen into a powerful tool for health and cancer prevention. In this engaging, evidence-based class, you’ll learn which foods are scientifically proven to reduce cancer risk, practical strategies to incorporate them into your daily routine, and cooking tips to make it all delicious and easy. Watch as Katherine Lawrence demonstrates simple, flavorful recipes designed to maximize your health, and take home printed recipes & information to recreate the magic in your own kitchen.

Session 6: 3:10-4:00pm

Sixth Session: Lifestyle Medicine – Dr. Bandana Chawla 

Implementing Lifestyle Medicine – Dr. Munish Chawla